Unable to insert text into the index via Pinecone.from_texts method

docsearch = Pinecone.from_texts([t.page_content for t in texts], embeddings, “xyz1”)

above code is giving me below error:

Index ‘None’ not found in your Pinecone project. Did you mean one of the following indexes: xyz1

Not sure why it’s giving me this error even though clearly am providing the index name.

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I’m having a problem with this same method.

My error is API key is missing or invalid for the environment “us-west1-gcp”. Check that the correct environment is specified. However, the environment of my project is actually in another region. I have rotated keys several times and moved my project to a region that is not currently affected by the outage.

The error makes me think the region isn’t getting passed somehow?

You are not passing the index name

indexname = “xyz1”
docsearch = Pinecone.from_texts([t.page_content for t in texts], embeddings, index_name=indexname)

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