ServiceException: (504)


When trying to update embeddings from haystack, I am getting the following error

Reason: Gateway Timeout
HTTP response headers: HTTPHeaderDict({'content-type': 'text/plain', 'content-length': '24', 'date': 'Wed, 07 Jun 2023 23:47:51 GMT', 'server': 'envoy'})
HTTP response body: upstream request timeout

I have been running the same code snippet for the couple of weeks but it has stopped working for me today. I was wandering if I hit a free tier limit somewhere.

I would be grateful if anyone can help me solve the problem

Hi @ashutosh. Please check your email, I just sent you a proactive ticket on this issue. The short version is your index has a very high degree of cardinality which is preventing it from being built.

hey haven’t received any mail yet, can you retry?

Could you please post the solution here so we could all benefit from it??
Everything was working fine and I have a demo tomorrow to many potential customers and this happens!! Need urgent help!!

Also getting this error, was working fine yesterday.
I have a much smaller index (1/100th) the size that works ok, but my main large index has been off and on all day with this same error.

It decided to work fine again now.
That’s good, but unreliable. We still have no clue why it went down last night and when that would happen again.

A post was split to a new topic: 504 errors and cannot connect in the web console

Hello all,

504 error is a genric error and there can be a number of different causes, some trigger by user actions and other times there is an internal error on our side.

Unfortunely there is not a sliver bullet soultion and each case has to be looked at in turn.

In most case the problem is when the index is overloaded for exampling:

In both of these cases increasing the size of the pod resolves the issue.

The good news is that our new serverless index address these points and many others.

@pwozny and @wissam.moussa if you have not already please do open a support case and we can look into these issues.

Thanks! We’re trying out the new serverless index this week