serverless indexim does not appear in dashboard

Bir uyarı aldım indexlerimin silineceğine ve serverless’a taşıma yapmam gerektiğine dair. Bunu günler önce yapmıştım ancak dashboardta serverless indexim gözükmüyor. Serverless indeximi kullanabiliyorum ancak dashboardta görüntüleyemiyorum.

{‘indexes’: [{‘dimension’: 1536,
‘host’: ‘’,
‘metric’: ‘cosine’,
‘name’: ‘remax’,
‘spec’: {‘serverless’: {‘cloud’: ‘aws’,
‘region’: ‘us-east-1’,
‘source_collection’: ----archive-4dzd’}},
‘status’: {‘ready’: True, ‘state’: ‘Ready’}}]}

Hi @berkk, and welcome to the Pinecone community forums!

Thank you for your question and I’m sorry you encountered this issue.

I’m pasting the English translation of your query here for my colleagues to see:

"I received a warning that my indexes would be deleted and that I needed to migrate to serverless. I did this days ago, but my serverless index is not visible on the dashboard. I can use my serverless index, but I can’t view it on the dashboard.

{‘indexes’: [{‘dimension’: 1536,
‘host’: ‘’,
‘metric’: ‘cosine’,
‘name’: ‘remax’,
‘spec’: {‘serverless’: {‘cloud’: ‘aws’,
‘region’: ‘us-east-1’,
‘source_collection’: ----archive-4dzd’}},
‘status’: {‘ready’: True, ‘state’: ‘Ready’}}]}"

A couple of quick thoughts:

  • If you create a similar serverless index now through your dashboard, are you able to see it?
  • Did you create your serverless index using the API or via the dashboard?
  • If you used the API, did you use the same API key from the project you’re trying to find your index in?
  • Have you tried looking through all your projects in the dashboard?

Hope this helps,