Hi, seems like we need to migrate legacy starter index to serverless now. My question is that if I have more then 100 namespace, what will happen if I migrate to serverless? If we need to upgrade to standard plan to continue using the namespace, in that case can I also continue using the old pod instead so no code changes are needed? Thanks in advance !
Hi @suzushi-tw thanks for writing in!
If you have more than 100 namespaces in your current starter index, you will still be able to migrate that to a Serverless index. Pinecone automatically ignores the namespace limitation during the import/migration. However, you will not be able to create more namespaces after that.
Keep in mind also that you can now have 5 serverless indexes, each with 100 namespaces in the starter tier.
I hope that helps answer your question, please let us know if you run into any trouble with it.
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