Problem quering an index

Hello everyone

I’m installing an app for the following link: Building a Multi-User Chatbot with Langchain and Pinecone in Next.JS | Pinecone

I’m using Windows 11 and when the chatbot is finding matches I got the following error:

Error querying embeddings: [Error: PineconeClient: Error calling query: Error: Query vector dimension 1536 does not match the dimension of the index 3]
[Error: Error querying embeddings: Error: PineconeClient: Error calling query: Error: Query vector dimension 1536 does not match the dimension of the index 3]

I have a test index with 3 dimensions. Free plan.

Thanks in advance


the problem is what the error states. You created an index with vector dimension of 3, but you are querying the database with a vector with dimension of 1536 :slight_smile:

One solution is to try and query the database with a vector of size 3 (like your index). The other is probably what you will have to do anyway, which is delete the index, create it from 0 with dimension set to 1536, assuming you want to use the OpenAi embeddings that are of that size.

Hope this helps

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