PineconeClient: Import Error

I’m trying to use PineconeClient, importing from “@pinecone-database/pinecone”;

But I’m getting the following error:

Module ‘“@pinecone-database/pinecone”’ has no exported member ‘PineconeClient’.ts(2305)

i m also getting same error.? how to reslove it plse tell

Hi folks, can you please share what version of the client you are using?

Additionally, please share exactly how you are importing and specify. For example, you may be using the following:

import { Pinecone } from '@pinecone-database/pinecone';

Lastly, are you encountering this error when you import, or after executing a different request?

const vectorStore = await Pinecone.fromExistingIndex(
new OpenAIEmbeddings({ openAIApiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY }),
{ pineconeIndex }

public async init() {
if (this.vectorDBClient instanceof Pinecone) {
await this.vectorDBClient.init({
apiKey: process.env.PINECONE_API_KEY!,
environment: process.env.PINECONE_ENVIRONMENT!,

These are two instances where i am using, can you help me with the syntax what to use instead of (init) & (fromExistingIndex), please