Hi @tc_uk, please note that the similarity_search method you are using is from LangChain’s PineconeVectorStore class. We’re here to help as best as possible, but I also encourage you to post to LangChain’s support team or post a GitHub issue.
Can you please share the metadata fields that you have on the records in the index in question? Are the metadata fields the same for each record?
@zeke_pinecone can you help me with the error
I am doing a medical chatbot project where I completed all the steps from making text chunks to upserting data, now while I am running the similarity search I am getting the mentioned error.
from pinecone import Pinecone
from langchain_pinecone import PineconeVectorStore
print(“Result”, docs)
PineconeApiAttributeError: ScoredVector has no attribute ‘metadata’ at [‘[‘received_data’, ‘matches’, 0]’][‘metadata’]
I would appreciate if anyone can help me to remove the mentioned error.