Pinecone rc2: Underlying Error: transport error - Only on Raspberry PI

The title sounds like a bad cinema promotion, but here we are, I have integrated pinecone into an app I am building, I have tested this app locally on my MacBook M2, on AWS and Paperspace instances all using Python 3.10.11 in a pyenv. No problems what so ever.

I have installed the same dependancies and setup the same environment on my Raspberry PI 4b (8gb) but I keep getting the error

    self.index = client.get_index(index_name)
ConnectionError: Failed to connect to index 'test-index'. Please verify that an index with that name exists using `client.list_indexes()`. 
Underlying Error: transport error

In my setup I initialised the client in an init file:

client = Client(api_key=PINECONE_API_KEY, region=PINECONE_REGION)

And I import client into my other files:

 indexes = client.list_indexes()
        if index_name not in indexes:
            # create the index if it doesn't exist
            client.create_index(index_name, dimension=1536)
            self.index = client.get_index(index_name)
        except ConnectionError as e:
            print("ConnectionError occurred!")
            print("Checking indexes again:")
            print("Current indexes: ", client.list_indexes())
            print("Current index info: ", client.describe_index(index_name))
            raise e

And the console returns:

ConnectionError occurred!
Checking indexes again:
Current indexes:  ['test-index']
Current index info:  Index config:
  name: test-index
  dimension: 1536
  replicas: 1
  shards: 1
  pod_type: p1.x1
  metric: cosine
  pods: 1
  source_collection: None
  metadata_config: None
  status: Ready

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jacob/.pyenv/versions/SMS/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pydantic/", line 439, in get_default
    return smart_deepcopy(self.default) if self.default_factory is None else self.default_factory()
  File "/home/jacob/projects/Sebastian/memory/", line 104, in __init__
    raise e
  File "/home/jacob/projects/Sebastian/memory/", line 98, in __init__
    self.index = client.get_index(index_name)
ConnectionError: Failed to connect to index 'test-index'. Please verify that an index with that name exists using `client.list_indexes()`. 
Underlying Error: transport error

I really have no idea what the problem is since the code works in ever other environment.

I tried a simple script

import pinecone

pinecone.init(api_key=PINECONE_API_KEY, enviroment=PINECONE_REGION) # One time init

indexes = pinecone.list_indexes()
print("Current indexes: ", indexes)

if INDEX not in indexes:
    # create the index if it doesn't exist
    pinecone.create_index(INDEX, dimension=1536)

    index = pinecone.Index(INDEX)
except ConnectionError as e:
    print("ConnectionError occurred!")
    print("Checking indexes again:")
    print("Current indexes: ", pinecone.list_indexes())
    print("Current index info: ", pinecone.describe_index(INDEX))
    raise e

in isolation using the non rc version of Pinecone and it ran fine, seems to be something to do with rc2