NER Powered Semantic Search: broken example?

This is one of my three distinct posts requesting for help on three different examples provided by Pinecone that do not seem to be working. I will appreciate very much the community moderator who flagged my two previous posts as spam (and thus become hidden now) to clarify why the two previous posts with distinct contents are considered spam in this community. Thanks.

I was trying to run this example on colab: NER-Powered Semantic Search

Got stuck at the step to create the embeddings. We do this in batches of 64 to avoid overwhelming machine resources or API request limits. (see screenshot attached below).

Any help to point me to a direction to fix the error would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Sorry to hear about the previous posts being flagged as spam. This seems like an issue with your connection to Pinecone, most likely your connection established when doing pinecone.init(api_key="...", environment="...") may have timed out, so I’d recommend running that cell again and rerunning this