Monthly spending limit

What happens, other than receiving an email, when the monthly spending limit is reached? Will Pinecone start responding with API rate limit exceeded errors, or just continue to bill me regardless of the number of requests it receives?

FWIW I asked the support bot this question and it did not know :confused:

The spend alert is solely an email notification, and you will continue to be billed after the alert threshold is met.

We’ll soon roll out the ability to set multiple (or percentage based) spend alerts.

Let us know if you’re looking for a hard limit or some other type of behavior – it’s something we’re thinking about, but haven’t heard much request for.

Thanks for flagging re: the support bot, we’ll make sure to fix that.

I was initially thinking of a hard limit, yes. I’m building a support bot and it’s not business critical, users can still use a chat forum like this, but the bot would be the front line. I haven’t pushed it live yet so I don’t know what the monthly billing would look like, I was just hoping to avoid surprises. If it reaches its limit it’ll just direct users to the support forum instead. In the mean time I can add a kill switch but that requires manual intervention if it reaches the limit.


I hope when you launch that you can swing back over here and show it off with a demo!

All cloud based services really need billing limit options. See here for why:

Infinite Scalability = Potential Cost Explosion