Mismatch between SDK and Console when creating indexes

HI! When I create a serverless index on the Pinecone console it shows, but it is not found when I try to query it from the python SDK. Similarly, when I create an index via the SDK it only shows when I list the indexes on the SDK and it does not show on the console. I have checked that the index names and API keys are correct.

I am not sure if these issues are related, but I also cannot see metadata when trying to query the index. It returns with the matches and values but no metadata. I have made sure that the metadata is upserted and I also set include_metadata to True, but it still only returns this:

Query Result: {‘matches’: [{‘id’: ‘34821b80521f67ea8e72a4b2faa771c4’,
‘score’: 0.871541798,
‘values’: },
{‘id’: ‘14a0085da59c828d378f8133a3e95067’,
‘score’: 0.871541798,
‘values’: },
{‘id’: ‘785a58d117c0b196a0cd070b7631257f’,
‘score’: 0.871541798,
‘values’: },
{‘id’: ‘df2aff0fee6a6e64bcb52fb8234c3143’,
‘score’: 0.871541798,
‘values’: },
{‘id’: ‘7a37a07ab07b94e6e03b12ea50d4f242’,
‘score’: 0.871541798,
‘values’: }],
‘namespace’: ‘’,
‘usage’: {‘read_units’: 6}}

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