Import "pinecone" could not be resolved Pylance(reportMissingImports)

After installing pinecone with this: pip3 install pinecone-client, and I started to write import pinecone in Visual Studio Code, it is underlying with this error: Import “pinecone” could not be resolved Pylance(reportMissingImports) [Ln 1, Col 8]
Can you help me with this?
I want to upload to pinecone database and this error make me angry

Hi @p.yankovainnovasys , sorry to hear you were facing issues, have you upgraded to the latest Pinecone client?

Since your post we have made a number of updates and I’m curious if this would help resolve any missing dependencies.

Apologies for the late response here, given the timeframe I’m going to go ahead and close this one out. If you are still experiencing issues please feel free to repost. Thanks.