How to pay for serverless

I have over 7000 PDFs that I want to store the embedding using serverless index
My question is how can I pay for the serverless and not for the pod version because I’m seeing something like $90/mouth and I don’t understand it.

How do I make sure I’m paying for the serverless version please.
I need a little guide on how to do it

Hello @nnajivictorious, welcome to the forum.

We have updated the pricing page. I would recommend having a read over it.

We have also updated the upgrade page in the console to make this clearer.

How do I make sure I’m paying for the serverless version please.
I need a little guide on how to do it

We have just launched our Serverless free tier have a read over our blog post.

To answer your question, if you upgrade to a pay account, you will only be charged for a pod-base index if you create one.

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