How To Handle large amount of datasets

I have an Excel spreadsheet with 80 columns and over 31,000 rows. I’m building a chatbot that will respond using the information in this excel sheet.
There is a delay in the search and retrieval process. also facing issue in consuming huge tokens for the single query.

When I ask questions of the chatbot, I want an overall concept and the ability to upsert a lot of datasets into the Pinecone with the easy retrieval process and have an efficient response.

Hi @shubaritha, and welcome to the Pinecone Forums!

Thank you for your question.

Could you please share all your relevant code, being careful not to include any secrets such as your Pinecone API key?

Please show us how you’re doing the ingest, search, etc.

We have a RAG chatbot tutorial available here that you might like to refer to as an example implementation.

Hope that helps!


Hi @ZacharyProser, thank you for responding. This is our coding, and I’m having trouble getting in retrieving and I want the overall idea to be able to manage a big dataset.

import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import openai
import requests
import certifi
import tiktoken
from tiktoken import get_encoding
from pinecone import Pinecone, ServerlessSpec



Initialize OpenAI

openai.api_key = OPENAI_API_KEY

Initialize Pinecone

pc = Pinecone(api_key=PINECONE_API_KEY)

Check if the index already exists before creating it

if INDEX_NAME not in pc.list_indexes().names():
spec=ServerlessSpec(cloud=‘aws’, region=‘us-east-1’)

index = pc.Index(INDEX_NAME)

Define helper functions

def truncate_text(text, max_tokens):
tokenizer = get_encoding(“gpt2”)
tokens = tokenizer.encode(text)
return tokenizer.decode(tokens[:max_tokens])

def generate_embedding(text):
headers = {
‘Authorization’: f’Bearer {OPENAI_API_KEY}',
‘Content-Type’: ‘application/json’,
data = {
‘model’: ‘text-embedding-ada-002’,
‘input’: text
response =’,
if response.status_code == 200:
result = response.json()
tokens_used = result[‘usage’][‘total_tokens’]
return result[‘data’][0][‘embedding’], tokens_used
st.error(f"Error creating embedding: {response.status_code} - {response.text}")
return None, 0

def upsert_in_batches(index, vectors, batch_size=10):
batches = [vectors[i:i + batch_size] for i in range(0, len(vectors), batch_size)]
for batch in batches:
index.upsert(vectors=batch, namespace=“ns1”)
except Exception as e:
st.error(f"Error upserting batch: {e}")

def num_tokens_from_string(string: str, encoding_name: str = “cl100k_base”) → int:
encoding = tiktoken.get_encoding(encoding_name)
num_tokens = len(encoding.encode(string))
return num_tokens

Streamlit UI for file upload

st.title(“Excel File Upload and Processing”)
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader(“Upload an Excel file”, type=[“xlsx”])
if uploaded_file is not None:
st.write(“File uploaded successfully!”)
# Load Excel file
df = pd.read_excel(uploaded_file)
st.write(“Excel file loaded:”)

# Concatenate text from all columns for each row into a readable sentence
def create_meaningful_sentence(row):
    return '. '.join([f"{col.replace('_', ' ')} {row[col]}" for col in df.columns])

df['combined_text'] = df.apply(create_meaningful_sentence, axis=1)
st.write("Columns concatenated into meaningful sentences:")

vectors = []
# Process each row in the DataFrame
total_tokens_used = 0
total_requests = 0
for i, row in df.iterrows():
    text = row['combined_text']
    # Truncate text to fit within the model's maximum context length
    text = truncate_text(text, max_tokens=8192)
    embedding, tokens_used = generate_embedding(text)
    if embedding is not None:
        total_tokens_used += tokens_used
        total_requests += 1
        # Prepare metadata with handling NaN values and converting to string
        metadata = {
            "ID": str(row['ID']),  # Ensure ID is converted to string if needed
            "eventDtgTime": row['eventDtgTime'],
            "alerts": str(row.get('alerts', '')),
            "displayTitle": row['displayTitle'],
            "instantAnalytics": str(row.get('instantAnalytics', '')),
            "detailedText": str(row.get('detailedText', '')),
            "msgPrecs": str(row.get('msgPrecs', '')),
            "unit": str(row.get('unit', '')),
            "size": str(row.get('size', '')),
            "embedHtml": str(row.get('embedHtml', '')),
            "dataSources": str(row.get('dataSources', '')),
            "snippetText": str(row.get('snippetText', '')),
            "contentLink": str(row.get('contentLink', '')),
            "description": str(row.get('description', '')),
            "imageDescription": str(row.get('imageDescription', '')),
            "reportSummary": str(row.get('reportSummary', '')),
            "authorName": str(row.get('authorName', '')),
            "timeReportCompleted": str(row.get('timeReportCompleted', '')),
            "attachment": str(row.get('attachment', '')),
            "latitude": str(row.get('latitude', '')),
            "securityLevels": str(row.get('securityLevels', '')),
            "imagereSourceLink": str(row.get('imagereSourceLink', '')),
            "eventDtg": str(row.get('eventDtg', '')),
            "status": str(row.get('status', '')),
            "users": str(row.get('users', '')),
            "name": str(row.get('name', '')),
            "sessions": str(row.get('sessions', '')),
            "fiscalStatus": str(row.get('fiscalStatus', '')),
            "sentimentSummary": str(row.get('sentimentSummary', '')),
            "sourceOrg": str(row.get('sourceOrg', '')),
            "dateCreated": str(row.get('dateCreated', '')),
            "active": str(row.get('active', '')),
            "responseSummary": str(row.get('responseSummary', '')),
            "comparisonCommunitiesCountries": str(row.get('comparisonCommunitiesCountries', '')),
            "activity": str(row.get('activity', '')),
            "applications": str(row.get('applications', '')),
            "url": str(row.get('url', '')),
            "timeZones": str(row.get('timeZones', '')),
            "location": str(row.get('location', '')),
            "longitude": str(row.get('longitude', '')),
            "dateModified": str(row.get('dateModified', '')),
            "pedigrees": str(row.get('pedigrees', '')),
            "gistComment": str(row.get('gistComment', '')),
            "tag": str(row.get('tag', '')),
            "geoCode": str(row.get('geoCode', '')),
            "time": str(row.get('time', '')),
            "timeReportRouted": str(row.get('timeReportRouted', '')),
            "rteToOrg": str(row.get('rteToOrg', '')),
            "copyReportToOrg": str(row.get('copyReportToOrg', '')),
            "sourceOrganization": str(row.get('sourceOrganization', '')),
            "coordinates": str(row.get('coordinates', '')),
            "image1": str(row.get('image1', '')),
            "image2": str(row.get('image2', '')),
            "image3": str(row.get('image3', '')),
            "image4": str(row.get('image4', '')),
            "image5": str(row.get('image5', '')),
            "numEmailsSent": str(row.get('numEmailsSent', '')),
            "lastEmailDate": str(row.get('lastEmailDate', '')),
            "reportDtg": str(row.get('reportDtg', '')),
            "metadata": str(row.get('metadata', '')),
            "eventOrganizations": str(row.get('eventOrganizations', '')),
            "classification": str(row.get('classification', '')),
            "assetIPs": str(row.get('assetIPs', '')),
            "sitrepTemplate": str(row.get('sitrepTemplate', '')),
            "industry": str(row.get('industry', '')),
            "networkSegmentList": str(row.get('networkSegmentList', '')),
            "approvedDate": str(row.get('approvedDate', '')),
            "incident": str(row.get('incident', '')),
            "sendEmail": str(row.get('sendEmail', '')),
            "newFormat": row['newFormat'],
            "duMapping": str(row.get('duMapping', '')),
            "jsonTag": str(row.get('jsonTag', '')),
            "createdFrom": str(row.get('createdFrom', '')),
            "integrationData": str(row.get('integrationData', '')),
            "mtti": str(row.get('mtti', '')),
            "mttd": str(row.get('mttd', '')),
            "mttr": str(row.get('mttr', '')),
            "oldEventDate": str(row.get('oldEventDate', '')),
            "org_event_name": row['org_event_name'],
            "combined_text": text  # Add combined text to metadata
        vectors.append({'id': str(row['ID']), 'values': embedding, 'metadata': metadata})

if vectors:
    upsert_in_batches(index, vectors, BATCH_SIZE)
    st.success(f"Data successfully uploaded to Pinecone.")"Total tokens used: {total_tokens_used}")"Total requests made: {total_requests}")
    st.warning("No embeddings were generated.")

Query input and response

st.title(“Query the Uploaded Data”)
query = st.text_input(“Enter your query:”)
if query:
query_embedding, _ = generate_embedding(query)
if query_embedding is not None:
results = index.query(
relevant_info =
for match in results[‘matches’]:
metadata = match[‘metadata’]
entry = {
“ID”: match[‘id’],
“Score”: match[‘score’],
“Event Date/Time”: metadata.get(‘eventDtgTime’, ‘N/A’),
“Display Title”: metadata.get(‘displayTitle’, ‘N/A’),
“Detailed Text”: metadata.get(‘detailedText’, ‘N/A’),
“Unit”: metadata.get(‘unit’, ‘N/A’),
“Organization Event Name”: metadata.get(‘org_event_name’, ‘N/A’),
“Combined Text”: metadata.get(‘combined_text’, ‘N/A’)
# Add more fields as needed

    relevant_info.sort(key=lambda x: x['Score'], reverse=True)
    # Prepare context for GPT, limiting total tokens
    context = ""
    system_prompt = "You are a helpful assistant with expertise in analyzing SITREP data."
    user_prompt_template = f"Based on the following information from our database, please answer the query: '{query}'\n\nRelevant Information:\n{{context}}\n\nPlease provide a clear and concise answer, citing specific details from the relevant information when applicable. If the information to answer the query is not available in the provided context, please state that clearly."
    max_tokens = 16000  # Leave some room for the response
    current_tokens = num_tokens_from_string(system_prompt) + num_tokens_from_string(user_prompt_template.format(context=""))
    for entry in relevant_info:
        entry_text = f"ID: {entry['ID']}\n"
        entry_text += f"Event Date/Time: {entry['Event Date/Time']}\n"
        entry_text += f"Display Title: {entry['Display Title']}\n"
        entry_text += f"Detailed Text: {entry['Detailed Text']}\n"
        entry_text += f"Unit: {entry['Unit']}\n"
        entry_text += f"Organization Event Name: {entry['Organization Event Name']}\n"
        entry_text += f"Combined Text: {entry['Combined Text']}\n"
        entry_text += "---\n"
        if current_tokens + num_tokens_from_string(entry_text) > max_tokens:
        context += entry_text
        current_tokens += num_tokens_from_string(entry_text)
    # Prepare the prompt for GPT
    user_prompt = user_prompt_template.format(context=context)
    # Generate response using GPT
    response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
            {"role": "system", "content": system_prompt},
            {"role": "user", "content": user_prompt}
    # Display only the answer
    answer = response.choices[0].message.content
    st.write("Answer to your query:")

    st.error("Failed to generate query embedding.")

Thanks for providing your code @shubaritha, I’ll take a look.

In the meantime, have you heard of our new Pinecone Assistant product?

It could dramatically simplify building a chatbot that performs RAG for you. You only have to drag and drop your files and we have a complete UI application you can use to expose your chatbot to the world or your company.


By the way @shubaritha, what are the exact errors you get back?