Getting error number of provided vectors more than 1000

[ErrorWithoutStackTrace: PineconeClient: Error calling upsert: ErrorWithoutStackTrace: Number of provided vectors: 1536 exceeds the maximum amount per request: 1000]

and when i try to reduce list of vectors to 1000 size ,it shows error
[ErrorWithoutStackTrace: PineconeClient: Error calling upsert: ErrorWithoutStackTrace: Vector dimension 0 does not match the dimension of the index 1536]

can somebody please help me upsert vectors, I am using langchain to convert text to vectors and the text file is considerably large.

Hi @nameisnothing ,

Note that while the max vectors per request in an upsert is 1000, the recommended upsert limit is 100 vectors per request so I would recommend upserting in batches of around 100 vectors. Also ensure that all of your vectors are of the dimension specified when you created your index.

These docs could be helpful for your reference:

Apologies for the delayed response!