Error: API Key do not work with Flowise

When I paste my API conclusions from Pinecone into Flowise, I get the following error:

A call to
returned HTTP status 404.

Missing request header “Api-Key”

I have added the environment and the API key correctly and in previous projects it has also worked with Flowise

I have now contacted Flowise support as well as you because I don’t know where the error is coming from.

Can you explain to me why this could be, what possibilities there are or whether this is just a bug?

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Hi @Mariahwo, thanks for joining our community!

I’m not familiar with Flowise, so I can’t say what the issue might be. I suspect the API key isn’t being set properly based solely on the error message. Could you let us know what you hear back from them? In case it’s something on our end (it seems unlikely, but you never know).

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