Doc Update: Creating/Fetching and Index using Host URL

View index information - Pinecone Docs - There is a footnote at the bottom that shares that the right way to fetch an index is via the host url vs the index-name in production is there a guide with an example that can be updated to the end of the doc ?

Hi @kavita1. Does this page help?

Target an index - Pinecone Docs.

Let me know. Best,

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Thank you in hindsight – seems like I did not read the code … speed programming causes you to be hazy! Thanks Jesse for the quick link.
Please note the langchain implementation doesn’t allow it - PineconeVectorStore — 🦜🔗 LangChain documentation

Glad that helped, @kavita1. And thanks for pointing out that Langchain doesn’t allow targeting by index host. I’ll report that on our end.


Hey @kavita1, you should be able to target your index by host in Langchain - you’d just do the operations on the original Pinecone object that you instantiate at the beginning of your code, not the PineconeVectorStore object. For example:

pc_host = (pc.describe_index(index_name)).host
idx = pc.Index(host=pc_host)

I don’t think there’s a Langchain API that offers targeting by host if you’re specifically looking for that, but you should be able to accomplish this via the Pinecone API.