DNS resolution error

I’m getting a DNS resolution error while attempting to connect to the Pinecone service.
The error message is:

UNKNOWN: grpc_message:"DNS resolution failed for gcp.pinecone.io: C-ares status is not ARES_SUCCESS Timeout while contacting DNS servers"}

It looks like a DNS server timeout issue. Can you provide any insights on the cause or suggest a solution?

Hi @anael.mashinsky, and welcome to the Pinecone community forums!

Thank you for your question.

Could you please share more details about your setup and what you’re trying to accomplish?

  1. Where is your code hosted/ running?
  2. Where is your Pinecone index (region? cloud?)
  3. Which kind of index? (Serverless, pod?)
  4. Please share all your relevant code, being careful NOT to include any secrets such as your PINECONE_API_KEY


I’m having a similar issue. I’m running on my local machine …

PineconeException: UNKNOWN:Error received from peer {grpc_message:“DNS resolution failed for mailiodev:443: C-ares status is not ARES_SUCCESS qtype=AAAA name=mailiodev is_balancer=0: Domain name not found”, grpc_status:14, created_time:“2025-01-31T14:36:22.212226-07:00”}

Any insights as in what might be wrong?

region: us-east-1
cloud: aws
index: serverless

sorry…found a solution. The official docs seems to be a somewhat unclear between http and grpc python client usage. Grpc docs are better here if anyone runs into similar problems: