I need to estimate cost for using serverless. I am confused regarding listing units. The calculation I did is:
num_queries = 10000
records_per_query = 10
records_per_namespace = 100000
dimension = 1536
cost_per_unit = 0.01
records_fetched = num_queries * records_per_query
fetch_units = records_fetched/10
query_units = 6 # https://docs.pinecone.io/guides/organizations/manage-cost/understanding-cost
list_units = num_queries
read_units = fetch_units + query_units + list_units
read_cost = read_units*cost_per_unit
print(read_cost) # 200.06
Is this calculation correct? Based on the pricing page, my assumption is list units is equal to the number of queries (assuming no pagination).
Any help is highly appreciated!!
@prameshgautam ,
, query
and fetch
are different requests.
In addition, you have not considered write units yet. You will most likely be upserting vectors into your index, and possibly updating or deleting as well, so write units should factor into your cost estimation.
Please see Pricing for the latest pricing details and examples.
hey @evan_pinecone, although OP intention is to estimate cost for using serverless, the documentation you linked does not have pricing (even estimations) for LIST operations, it’s in relation to RU’s consumed during the operation itself, which is fine.
However, there’s no clear documentation as to how much RUs (again, estimations would be fine if applicable) List operation do consume. Closest thing i could find is this list req doc, which abruptly shows usage in the results, but when using the same code as of now, the usage field doesnt seem to be present, am i missing something?
My overall intention is to estimate the cost of getting all the recordIds in the index withover 13M records.
@AusafMo ,
List has a fixed cost of 1 RU per call, with an additional 1 RU per paginated call.
The RU and WU costs of all operations are stated in Understanding cost.
@evan_pinecone Thanks a lot.