Compare two long texts (similarity search by embedding)

How can I compare for long texts using Pinecone? The questions are of interest to the following:

  1. What is new in this article compared to the articles previously marked as read, by points,
  2. What of this article has already been in previously read articles, point by point.
    I guess that the solution may lie through a bundle of Langchain, Pinecone, and GPT, but it is not entirely clear how to formulate the above questions. I am glad to any ideas.
    What I did before:
  3. I broke the text of the first article into pieces,
  4. I got embedding with the GPT API to them,
  5. Saved it in Pinecone,
  6. I sent requests to Vector DB and then, together with the results obtained, to the GPT API and received human-like responses.

Perhaps, it’s worth storing chunks in the view of embeddings to Pinecone and then try compare this article with previous one. Is it possible?

How can I carry out similarity search at DB if I 've got an embedding (not a text query)? This embedding represents an one paragraph.