Specific Metrics aren't responding properly

I am having some trouble with the metrics on pinecone. I have an enterprise account and am trying to view the metrics on my index’s but specific metrics like “vector_count” and “pod_fullness” don’t seem to be responding properly. They show up in the 10 minute time range when I create the initial index, but after 10 minutes they do not show any values / graphs. No matter how many new vectors I upsert, these two metrics don’t change, and I am no longer able to see a graph for them.

@Brahmani I apologize that it has been a while since you asked this question. I wanted to check in and see if you still are seeing latency in the metrics, and if so, to hear a bit more about how you are upserting data into the index so we can figure out why they aren’t being reflected in the metrics overall.